Ranccha village

The next morning, we set out to explore the Ranjhaa Village for another bird watching expedition. We were excited to see what new species we would encounter on this journey. Our guide for the day, Ravi, was equally knowledgeable and passionate about the local flora and fauna.

As we walked through the village, we spotted a variety of bird species, including the beautiful Oriental Magpie Robin with its distinctive black and white plumage, the majestic Crested Serpent Eagle soaring high above us, and the noisy Indian Peafowl, strutting around in all its glory.

As we walked further, we saw a flock of 13 Rose-ringed Parakeets, their vibrant green feathers standing out against the blue sky. It was a breathtaking sight to see them fly in formation.

Another fascinating observation was the Yellow-throated Sparrow, is also known as the Salim Ali bird. Its yellow throat and distinctive markings made it easy to identify.

As we continued our expedition with the birds of Bandhavgarh, we spotted a Large Cuckooshrike perched high on a tree branch, its elegant black and white feathers contrasting against the lush green surroundings.

We also saw the stunning Plum-headed Parakeet, perched on a tree branch, its vibrant plumage a sight to behold. Ravi told us about the unique behaviors and characteristics of each species we saw, making the experience all the more fascinating.

Along the way, we also got to meet the friendly and welcoming villagers, who shared with us stories about their traditions and way of life. We learned about the importance of conservation and sustainable living, and how the villagers work together to protect the natural environment.

As we continued our journey, we were mesmerized by the stunning landscapes of the village, with its rolling hills, lush green fields, and picturesque water bodies. We also got to witness the daily activities of the villagers, from farmers tending to their crops, to children playing and running around.

One particular highlight of the day was spotting the Marsh Sandpiper, a lifer for us, with its elegant long legs and slender beak.

We also captured great shots and videos of the Indian Gray Hornbill, a magnificent bird with a striking red and yellow beak. Its unique call echoed through the village, adding to the already mesmerizing experience.

Overall, the bird watching expedition at the Ranjhaa Village was a unique and enriching experience. The opportunity to explore the natural beauty of the area, while also learning about the local culture and way of life, made it a truly unforgettable adventure. We were grateful for the expertise and passion of our guide, Ravi, who made the experience all the more enjoyable.

We also had the opportunity to observe a troop of playful monkeys, who were busy jumping from tree to tree and chattering away. Narayan shared with us fascinating facts about the monkey behavior and their role in the local ecosystem.

Overall, our bird watching expedition with Ravi at the Wildflower Resort was a truly unforgettable experience. The stunning trees and flowers, vibrant birdlife, and expert guidance made it a highlight of our stay at the resort.

Overall, our experience at Wildflower Resort was nothing short of exceptional. The resort’s attention to detail and commitment to providing a memorable experience for their guests made our stay a truly unforgettable one. I would highly recommend this resort to anyone looking for a luxurious and tranquil getaway amidst nature.

Wild Flower Resort Booking
8959094549 / 9425157718
Email id resortwildflower@gmail.com

List of this birds we found that day –

Spotted Dove4
Laughing Dove3
Yellow-footed Green-Pigeon3
Common Hawk-Cuckoo1
Red-wattled Lapwing6
Common Sandpiper1
Marsh Sandpiper1
Indian Pond-Heron1
Oriental Honey-buzzard1
Eurasian Hoopoe1
Indian Gray Hornbill3
Indian Roller1
White-naped Woodpecker2
Rose-ringed Parakeet12
Plum-headed Parakeet3
Large Cuckooshrike1
Black-hooded Oriole2
Black Drongo3
Large-billed Crow1
Common Tailorbird1
Red-vented Bulbul3
Red-whiskered Bulbul2
Indian Robin6
Oriental Magpie-Robin2
Taiga Flycatcher1
Purple Sunbird2
White-rumped Munia4
Yellow-throated Sparrow7