Tiger trip vs Birdwatching Trip

Tiger trip vs Birdwatching Trip

A funny list of difference

Why Birding Trips are different then Tiger Trips

a Funny way of seeing the wildlife

Wildlife trip is always a very fascinating experience for those who are keen to visit national parks and sanctuaries. When I came to know that my next destination would be the largest forest in Madhyapradesh, I was more than happy. Well, this was the first time we are out on a tiger trip and Kanha was always on our wish list.
So, what is a tiger trip and how is this different from a birding trip? Let me clarify in brief.

Every trip is different from the other. One can visit the same place for a different purpose. Birdwatching trips and tiger trips both are categorized as wildlife trips but purposefully both are different.


The guidance of the guide

It is almost clear that in birdwatching trips we used to hire a guide who is specialized in bird spotting and can ID most of the birds, while in tiger trips the guides have got the excellence in tiger zones, their family tree, spotting records, etc. I have an example from my point of view. The ideal birdwatching spots like Sikkim, Chilka, etc. have some very knowledgeable guides who can ID a bird even from a distant shot or with the naked eye without binocular, but while we are in tiger trip, guides are keen to spot a tiger rather than waiting or watching bird behavior. Tiger specialist guides are habituated with this. They can smell the presence of the tiger. They are very good at listening to the langoor and deer alarm call. I was amazed to see that one of our guides gave us a demo of a strong alarm call and mild alarm call of the langoor using his almost identical voice.

Its’ Money, Honey!

I found birdwatching trips are less costlier in general than tiger trips. Sometimes we skip hiring a guide in birdwatching trip but the tiger is our national animal and also enlisted in schedule 1. So the process of meeting them will take a few more bucks from your pocket.

Your energy, your choice

Birdwatching trips generally consume heavy energy. In tiger trips, we don’t need to walk and search for those striped beauties but when we are out for birdwatching we need to walk, scroll ourselves along with heavy photographic gear and search. Even write down the ID of the birds, make a checklist in ebird also grab most of your time and energy after returning from a serious birding trip. If you are casual enough to avoid these lovely hazards, then I must say you are differently lucky.


Tiger safaris are time-bound in central India forests but in birdwatching trips, one can devote his entire day in a single bird.


Heavy duty birdwatchers

Sometimes when birdwatchers are out on a birding trip they forget to eat, drink, or stay clam. They search for a single bird-like their diamond ring of marriage. They use binoculars, spotting scope, diary, camera, lens even sometimes ethical or unethical playback device just for a single bird. Their different posture, behavioral attitude, clear shot, sharp feathers would give the birdwatchers a certain kind of satisfaction.

Keep calm and watch tigers!

When in tiger sighting the viewers usually don’t need to search more. They depend on the guide. When the tiger is sighted the safari people take photographs but it seems to be a relaxed way than birdwatching. Yes, in tiger trips also people take photographs of the tiger very eagerly and the safari jeeps always try to get a good position and nearer to the tiger.



Tigers have a nickname beside their official numbering. They have a family tree, mating history, cub identification, and they share a relationship with tiger lovers. I have seen many tiger lovers utter the name of the tigers like their family members. But in the case of bird lovers, they usually don’t make relations with a single bird. Well, exceptions are there especially when we feed some birds in our home, we got a heavenly bond with them.

There are many similarities and dissimilarities in birding and tiger trips. The funniest thing happens when a hardcore birdwatcher visits a forest for tiger sighting and vice versa.

Both can conclude to a single point that, loving the surroundings and nature can only be a good healer. A bird lover or a tiger lover both are nature lovers first and this is their initial identity.

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