​Pelling is a well-known name to mountain lovers. It is not only a famous destination but a very easy-to-reach place of Sikkim. Many people like to visit Pelling because it is one of the most popular tourist attractions in northeast India. In a single trip, tourists can experience green hills, snow-capped mountains, lush green forests, historical monuments, waterfalls, monasteries everything. Before visiting Pelling you should remember that proper planning and some must known facts can help you to relish the beautiful hilly region at its best.

1) How to reach Pelling

If you are coming by train from West Bengal or any other part of India, then the new Jalpaiguri is the nearest station to Sikkim. You have to book a reserved car from NJP station. Car fare depends upon the timing and availability. If you reach late to NJP station then car owners and drivers may take the upper hand and ask you for a much higher rate. Usually, 4.5k is an average cost. You may get a car from Siliguri station also. We got Darjeeling mail from Sealdah the night before. We reached NJP station in the morning slightly late in time. We reached Siliguri station via magic van. It took Rs. 30 and 12 minutes to reach.
From Siliguri station, there are two options to go. You can go via bus or shared jeep.

NJP Station

Go to the SNT bus stand and get the bus directly to Pelling. The bus service is not very easy to avail, because there is only one bus that runs from Siliguri to Pelling every day. The bus time is morning 10.30 am. When we reached there 15 minutes earlier, we didn’t get the ticket. Those were already sold out. Always try to come to the bus stand much earlier. We spent at least half an hour having our breakfast. We should buy some dry food and get the bus much earlier. Anyway, we then get a shared jeep. The cost was Rs. 600 per head. We were three in the count. We took four seats in middle for a comfortable journey. It was still much lesser in terms of cost. Getting a bus is the cheapest way to go but if you are in a bigger team.

2) Choosing the right stay

Room of Retreat Crassula Ovata

In Pelling, there are many options to stay. This is a very popular city for a long time and hence there are many hotels in different price ranges. You can choose according to your budget. We stayed in Retreat Crassula Ovata which is in upper Pelling.

Our Hotel Retreat Crassula Ovata from Helipad Ground

There are several reasons to choose this hotel. This is situated in upper Pelling and near to helipad ground. Sunrise can be enjoyed best from helipad ground. Our hotel balcony was an ideal place to sit and enjoy the sunrise.

Even we could see an ample number of birds from the balcony. The trees are all at eye level, so one can enjoy beautiful colorful birds like scarlet minivet or can hear melodious songs of Himalayan Bulbul or Black Bulbul from the balcony.

You may also like How to Stay Near Orange Garden in Sittong

3) Sightseeing places

Pelling sightseeing places have a variety. You can enjoy waterfalls, birds, monasteries everything. At least two full days are required to watch everything in Pelling. Some people are trying to cut down this in one day, but you can’t watch everything smoothly. You only can visit a few important sightseeing places if you have time constraints. In that case don’t miss Kanchenjunga Falls, Khecheopalri Lake, Rimbi Orange Garden. Those are magnificent. Pelling skywalk is the newest tourist attraction. You also can visit that if you like man-made structures. Singshore Bridge is also something you can take an interest in because this is Asia’s second-highest suspension bridge. If you are intense nature lover like us, please visit Rabdentse Ruins and Pemayangtse Monastery.

Pelling skywalk


The skywalk in Pelling is located opposite the 137 ft tall statue of Chenrezig, amidst the magnificent Himalayas. The Sikkim Skywalk is the first glass skywalk in India. It has been built so as to give a wonderful view of the Chenrezig statue

The Singshore suspension bridge

Singshore suspension bridge 

The Singshore suspension bridge is the highest bridge in Sikkim and the second highest bridge in the Asian subcontinent with over 100 meters in height.

Khecheopalri Lake

Khecheopalri Lake

Khecheopalri Lake, originally known as Kha-Chot-Palri (meaning the heaven of Padmasambhava), is a lake located near Khecheopalri village, 147 kilometres (91 mi) west of Gangtok in the West Sikkim district of the Northeastern Indian state of Sikkim. It is also called Wishing Lake.

Common merganser in lake

kanchenjunga falls

Kanchenjunga Falls

The Kanchenjunga Falls is a leading tourist spot in Pelling and is attractive through out the year with its lush green surroundings and the high falling water. It is a perennial water fall, which has heavy water during monsoon.

Rimbi Orange Garden

Rimbi Orange Garden

Rimbi Orange Garden is a government funded orange garden. Along with orange trees, visitors can see some cardamom plants and some flowering plants here. It is well maintained and offers good views of the surrounding mountains though You can not enjoy Kangchenjunga view from here. You can walk down to the Rimbi river and enjoy nature.

Rimbi River

Rabdentse Ruins

Rabdentse Palace

Rabdentse was the second capital of the former Kingdom of Sikkim from 1670 to 1814. It is a birding hotspot. You need to do a small trek to the dilapidated palace through the beautiful green forest. You may find many birds here.

Pemayangtse Monastery

Pemayangtse Monastery

The Pemayangtse Monastery is a Buddhist monastery in Pemayangtse, near Pelling in the northeastern Indian state of Sikkim, located 110 km west of Gangtok. Planned, designed and founded by Lama Lhatsun Chempo in 1647, it is one of the oldest and premier monasteries of Sikkim, also the most famous in Sikkim. Photography is not allowed inside the monastery but the ancient museum and murals are worth watching. The whole area has a dense bird population.

Green-backed Tit

So if you are a nature lover, you must visit this place. If you want to enjoy nature at its best and want to do birdwatching then please avoid taking car for Rabdentse and Pemayangtse.

4) Nature at its Best

Dragonfly Mating

Pelling is the most popular tourist destination of Sikkim just after Gangtok. Entire Sikkim is a beautiful gift of mother nature.
Always carry good binoculars and a camera if possible. You can make your regular tour simply awesome with a magical touch of nature.

5) Sunrise point


One of the main attractions of any hill station is sunrise. People love to watch the beautiful sunrise and the changing color of mountains accordingly. Pelling sunrise can be best watched from helipad ground. If you are staying anywhere other than upper Pelling then you have to walk early in the morning to the helipad ground to watch the beautiful moment.

Common Birds of Pelling which we have seen very easily and effortlessly

Rock Pigeon (Columba livia)
Oriental Turtle-Dove (Streptopelia orientalis)
Spotted Dove (Streptopelia chinensis)
Great Barbet (Psilopogon virens)
Greater Flameback (Chrysocolaptes guttacristatus)
Scarlet Minivet (Pericrocotus speciosus)
White-throated Fantail (Rhipidura albicollis)
Black Drongo (Dicrurus macrocercus)
Long-tailed Shrike (Lanius schach)
House Crow (Corvus splendens)
Large-billed Crow (Corvus macrorhynchos)
Gray-headed Canary-Flycatcher (Culicicapa ceylonensis)
Green-backed Tit (Parus monticolus)
Red-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer)
Himalayan Bulbul (Pycnonotus leucogenys)
Black Bulbul (Hypsipetes leucocephalus)
Indian White-eye (Zosterops palpebrosus)
Rufous Sibia (Heterophasia capistrata)
Red-billed Leiothrix (Leiothrix lutea)
Velvet-fronted Nuthatch (Sitta frontalis)
Verditer Flycatcher (Eumyias thalassinus)
Slaty-backed Forktail (Enicurus schistaceus)
Plumbeous Redstart (Phoenicurus fuliginosus)
White-capped Redstart (Phoenicurus leucocephalus)
Green-tailed Sunbird (Aethopyga nipalensis)

Retreat Crassula Ovata Hotel Booking: 9733018237/9593980537

Hotel Room Tariff included with complimentary breakfast. Tariff vary depending upon the season and availability. Our room tariff was 3.5k including breakfast.

Sightseeing Car Booking:

Let’s Go Tour & Travels Contact: 9733018237/9593980537